I2.55am. There was tales that it was the witching hour but it’s always hard to believe in heresy There was an eerie feeling sweeping over the whole house and Goose bumps crawling all over our bodies. Yes our bodies were glued together in throes of ecstasy, our moans and intensity of lovemaking was breathtaking. My fiancé Stephen was in town and we were catching up with sex. I have so much missed this feeling and poetry of our lovemaking. Nothing ever distracts us when we were in our Sensual world yet all that could not dead us to the Cold shriek we heard that tore into our subconscious and the maniacal laughter that followed...We managed to sneak out to the window to get a look and the ally was dark as usual, Stephen took his pistol, checked the rounds and despite my pleading, decided to go scope out the alley. I locked the door and after waiting a while decided to pick my home phone to call 911. Feeling a great urge to have a drink, I went to get a bottle of water. On my way back to the phone, I heard a scratching sound which I ignored, I picked up the phone and dialed 911, I was asked to state my emergency and then the line disconnected. That was when I first noticed the stench and the Strong smell of blood filled the room, I turned and there he was, so innocent and handsome. Then he smiled @ me and lifted his hand and I saw the Axe I let out a blood churning scream and my whole world went dark.

I was so happy coming home to Chloe; I have missed her so much. There is no other Woman who makes my heart beat with anticipation than Chloe. God, I am so in love with her. Got an early break from Iraq and flew home. Home is where the heart is and Chloe is everything I have and more. Right there we were making love so late in the night like we loved doing, doused in each other's sweat, the passion sky rocketing when I heard it, I increased the intensity of the lovemaking, but it still pierced through and from the way Chloe stiffened her body, I knew she must have heard it too. So I opened my eyes and saw her looking @ me. We disentangle our body and I reached for the drawer where I kept my service pistol. She tried to stop me but I kissed her and told her everything would be alright..Then I opened the door and walked the alley, looking for what could have let out such a scary sound. I heard running feet, I turned and braced myself to shoot, but there was nothing. Then I saw her and despite all my experience as a Captain in Iraq, despite all the mutilation and death I had seen, that could not stop the dizziness and nauseating feeling that came over me. This was total mutilation.
What remained of a once beautiful woman was nothing but limbs, bones and sinews. What kind of heartless entity would do this? These were the thoughts running amuck in my head when I heard a second scream this time louder than the first, and it registered, that was Chloe's voice, oh my God, I prayed as I started running towards the apartment. Not my Chloe, Please Lord. I heard the faint sounds of sirens in the distance. Jesus please, not my Chloe.
I was on the night shift at work when I heard a scream. It was a chilling scream, the kind that makes your heart stop and the maniacal laughter that followed...I instantly knew he had struck Again. Oh why couldn't he be caught? Why can't anyone come up with a plan to catch him..? Yes I knew who he was, but I couldn't bear to come forth with the information. I have complicated things right from the first murder.
This would be d 25th and yet no one knows who The Petal Stalker was except me. I just concentrated on my work knowing the next day the details would be over the news...He was very good, but he believed he was not flawed. I schooled him, yes I taught him everything he knew, even I myself was lucky I found salvation and was able to resist the pull, you always hear them buzzing in your head, telling you what to do, I was lucky to be redeemed. I turned my attention to the lovely lady in front of me, she had a lovely smile, the kind that attracted me, her skin felt soft when our hands touched and I handed the items she bought to her, she smiled again and against my wishes, the Buzzing in my head took over and I knew it has started all over again.
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