Saturday, 31 December 2011
Finding Tisha
The first word she said that had me hooked were "Are you gonna follow back or should I un follow u?"..That was a bruise on my Ego..I was wondering if I was so into myself not to notice her, so I apologised. She asked me to follow her, maybe she would follow me again, that got my attention so i decided Ok, let's see how this goes, I followed her back and then began my self acclaimed sub Conscious Hypnosis .
It must have been her skills with Semantics and Syntax or her way with words, but whatever it is or was, I found myself intrigued. I really don't know what it is about her, but there seemed to be something about her that gets me off, not in a sexual way cos I don't think she would roll that way, based on her statement that "Ever heard of a spirit having sex?" But she turns me on, Intellectually that is..
Right at first chat, I asked for her contacts, phone, email, bbm anything to make me closer to this Woman who oozes Maturity and finesse as easy as breathing for Air.
My Persona night walker, though that might be assuming too much, she's never available at d time I am, I always have to make time to be on to get her and those are Late Unholy hours but I make sure it happens when I can because there's something about Tisha.
That's what she calls herself, I think she's a ghost but what she said when I said so was and I quote "To be honest, I'm enjoying ur game, but i don't plan on cupid's arrow getting me any time soon, i need my head in the game, so love...This ghel isn't playing"
So I went back to the drawing board, skimming in my head on how to go about this, she said I am Anonymous, that gives me the freedom to move in between matters, do what I need to do uninhibited. I felt it was a normal joke so I played along, tried all I could to get her to trust me to no Avail. I had a feeling she was sent to make an impact in my life, she made me think I was right when she said. " I am a son of God, washed in the blood of the lamb, sanctified, called out and trusting Jesus..." I thought she was an Angel, I was like, I've been asking God to send me a personal Angel cos I always had the dream of doing it with one and I never expected him to send me a male angel, her Reply was ". Male/Female, in the eyes of God, we are spirit... When you are weak, you should depend on the holy ghost" In my mind I was like, I know the Holy Ghost, I get high on liquor and see Ghosts so it ain't a new thing. If the holy Ghost resides here, The niccur gonna get High, probably Abandon Ship.
She only comes out to play at midnight, hence I dubbed her little cinderella, but she said she is little Red Riding Hood, cos she kicks butt, I gave her enough Drama to hold her attention for one hour. She conceded on the fact that I was a crazy dude and for you peeps that know me, you know I try. This has been the hardest I've been run around by a girl, its been four months now but just one month of talking on and off, not steadily really but when Tisha is on, I feel as if something is complete within me, I keep wondering what I have gotten myself into. Here she was dropping the kind of Classics I admire, yet I haven't seen a picture of her Except one which she eventually Denied wasn't hers..So there is no face, no voice, Just a Name to this Specimen who inspired the slogan @KolobiurSista which is my twitter handle anyway. Hopefully the next time I get to talk to this Mystery Woman, I would have something new to share with you peeps but till then..Keep it cool and I love you al
Thursday, 22 December 2011
I sat alone in my room trying to get a hold of myself. Lately things have been getting worse, I didn't know if I was under a curse. This was the tenth time I was seeing him, and he made me embarrass myself at work today. I just got into the car after a hard day's work, I adjusted my mirrors and 'Boo ya' there he was sitting on the back seat smiling at me, I jumped out of the car alerting the security who rushed towards me. On second check, they realized that my back doors were locked and there was no way someone could have gone out, they asked me what drug I was on. I apologized that I wasn't feeling fine, Got into the car and drove home. See, on getting home, Sleep became a problem. He had taken over my Night Rest, I realized For me to be seeing him during the day, Got me real a thief under the covers of the night,he stealthily comes in to raid my dreams, adding nightmares...I have been diagnosed with insomnia by the Doctors and no matter what they try or do, how much pills I pop, I just can't imagine sleeping..I can hear him laughing in my subconscious ,that throaty sound like blunders on a piece of machinery. At nights I can't sleep, candle reflections on the wall, I keep seeing visions of me burning alive, I keep peeping out of my window, scanning down the streets to see if there was anyone lurking in the shadows, checking to see if the windows were locked....I can see him walking outside, making a silhouette, I delve deep under the covers, Eyes closed I gripped my Gun and counted to ten,When I open my eyes, He was gone. I sit alone in my four cornered room, I keep tossing and turning, I got so paranoid I decided to get a gun, I sleep with my finger on the trigger, My girlfriend thinks I am imagining things but there's someone watching me so I also need to watch my back. I aint going out without a fight.
I am a Movie Star, I have big cars, I'm self-made, I didn't get to be where I was without stepping on rods. I made sure I paid my dues but, I don't believe in God, but trust me since this started, I have been frequenting a monastery close to me. The clergyman told me to pray. I attend service like everyday after work , Donating most of my money to the church, taking up most charity events , giving to the poor. Then when I sleep,I hear him whisper at night deep in my dreams, the wicked laugh followed by a sickening Groan, No amount of money or Good deed can save you..Your soul is mine...I stopped going to church, took a week off work and locked myself in the house. Day by day its impossible to cope, most people started wondering why I nervously look behind me when I walk, when I drive he occasionally appears on my Hood with a Bang, I o
I star
I wondered if it was a stalker, or a crazy fan, I decided to hire special security officers but my boys talked me out of it. It would come out that I was unstable and it would get the press on my case. Tonight I decided to hang out with the boys, get drunk maybe I could get him out of my mind, Just there after getting high, I decided to pick up the tab, the bar tender said someone already picked it up, I asked who? he pointed behind me and there he was waving at me again. I told dash and Michael, so we watched him. He stood up picked up his Cloak and walked out of the Bar..this was the dude that was tailing me..We went to the car and loaded up,Then we walked behind him, He turned into an alley, increasing his movements to a running speed,.So we sped up the pace, turned the corner to find it was a dead end. there was no trace of this *Niccur*.heaving a sigh of relief I looked back and there he was..I pulled out my Gun and shot at him..He went down, but I was so sure he wasn't done with me. I turned to move and there he was in front of me, How he got there so fast I didn't know, he grabbed me by the lapels of my coat, Blood dripping out of his chest and gave me a right hook that got my head banging. That's the dude that has been messing with my dreams, It was dark in the alley so we went Local on him. I got a bat from the dash and swung. He fell and stood up again, we rushed him, he started running away so I tackled him on the Pavement, I began to pummel away, I bit him, head butted him on the Concrete and he stopped moving. I felt satisfied, then I noticed people looking at me, that was when I looked up, my boys were gone, the Bogey Man was gone, my hands were Bloody from Punching the hard Gravel floor.
My mind has been mucking with me
The New York Herald Headline
Popular Actor Goes Psychotic ,Shooting Gun at Imaginary Adversary ,Pummelled invisible enemies to Dust .. Lawyers request Asylum...
Saturday, 10 December 2011
The Vanishing

The steady vanishing has been increasing, no one knows why, no one had any reason to be suspicious, majority thought it was just a case of people refusing to turn up for work, or maybe the young ones got it into their head to try a case of the modern Indian stories and eloped with their loved ones
Here I was at work, waiting for the clock to chime 5pm, waiting for everyone to be done with work so we can all go to our respective homes, I stood up to go into the john, relieved myself and the lights flickered, I took a deep breath and opened the door to the office, and there was no one, coffees were left on the table, computers were still running but there was not a soul in the whole Microsoft officers i felt something, i started getting nervous, i looked around me and there was nothing, the lights flickered off again and i heard a deep scream.
That sounded like the voice of my boss so I ran into Mr Kingston's office where he always sat minding our business and there was no one there. His computer was on, there was a red light beeping on the phone, there was an active call on hold but all i could hear was static from the other side. Thinking this was an episode of prank, i started laughing and walked towards the lobby, then i realized the security guards were gone too but their clothes were lying idle on the chair. I walked outside the building, saw different cars on head on collision but the drivers and the passengers were not in them, no sign of a struggle just empty clothes with no sign of matter in them, the sun started going down,and i heard a deep scream, ran towards the sound i heard , getting there i saw a kid, he couldn't have been more than 10 years old, eyes filled with terror. I stumbled back as i saw the shadows close in on him, all the light surrounding him going out and just like that he was gone, i screamed but there was no one to hear me, i brought out the flash light on my phone and used it to illuminate myself, just then the battery went off, i saw a car parked nearby, there was someone in it I begged him to let me come in and share part of his car lights but he just kept staring at me, then and there i decided to take to my heels and then i felt it closing in on me, i kept running but there was nothing i could do, the space grew smaller and then i watched myself get sucked inside, first my legs, my waist and that was the end of me....
My name is Johnny and today is i got engaged.I woke in bed to a note from my fiancee. Aby telling me not to stay up for her,that she was going to be late coming in, i smiled a happy man because she just made me happy, the best that ever happen d to me. It was some minutes to 6 and i decided to take a walk down the street, i went out of the hotel and realized it was too quiet, got to the reception and the receptionist was gone, i took a look in the lobby there was no one there but everything was normal, the computers were running, the elevators were working, there just seemed to be a decrease in the population, i turned and saw a little girl staring at me, i was relieved to see someone so i took a step towards her but she screamed and took to her heels, I ran after her watching her turn the corner and then she was gone, I took a look at my wristwatch and to my alarm it was 12pm and yet it was pitch black, how time sped so fast i didn't know but i was so sure some minutes ago it was 6.35 in the evening, all of a sudden i started hearing screams here and there and i remembered i was supposed to meet up with Aby at the florist so I took the nearest car i could find driving like a possessed man to the florist. Getting there i saw Aby trying to run out of the door but something was drawing her back, I came down and she saw me, MY BABY SHE SCREAMED AND I RAN Towards HER TO HELP,THEN THE LIGHTS flickered again, going off and my Aby was gone, lost in the shadows, all that was left were her shoes, clothes and bag, i didn't know if it was my imagination but then it came straight at me,the shadow, encompassing everything around, hurtling straight for me as I ran back inside the car, locked up the doors and turned up the lights, the shadows covered everywhere except the lightened part of the car, then it started moving back as I heard a knock at the car window, there was this distraught man, asking me to let him come in, i refused and he started to run away, i watched him run for a bit and then poof the shadows went at him and poof he vanished into thin air.
i was distraught, scared, hearing screams, and right then the street bust into life and different people started running into the streets and kept on vanishing into thin air I started the car and drove towards the outskirts of town, it was then that i passed the Airline Cinema, the lights were on so i left the car and ran in. There was a cinema on, the flicks were rolling but it looked like everyone left abruptly, wasn't a firm believer in God but then i was forced to think this is beyond the supernatural, beyond what I believed in, i started to question myself and wondered why i never believed in God, if it wasn't too late, if he could still somehow get me out of this. Then i walked outside and saw the church lights were on and i ran there, I got in there and couldn't even resist laughing it had been here and it had taken so many people, i went hysterical, even the priest was gone from the altar, the only signs that he was there was the bible and his cape left on the floor, I guess it is true when they say it is only God that knows those that really worship him in spirit and in truth, started to go out, when i heard the scratching nose and all the windows of the church blew out, then i saw it, i thought light was stronger than darkness but the darkness took out every light in the church, then it came straight for me, it stopped and laugh then came at me, conjuring a scythe flaming at both ends he motioned for me to stretch forth my hand, I did and then he struck and i felt a pain much bigger, stronger and deeper than anything i had ever felt before so i screamed.
My screams brought my fines to my room, she asked what was wrong with me, i opened my eyes and blinked, it was sunny outside, i was relieved she was here in with me, the street were filled with people running about their daily businesses what a bad dream i just had, i took her into my arms and hugged her, it was then that i saw the imprint left on the hand i had stretched forth, the hand that took the blow from the scythe, In tiny letters, three words and numbers stared at me.
6 6 6
My screams brought my fines to my room, she asked what was wrong with me, i opened my eyes and blinked, it was sunny outside, i was relieved she was here in with me, the street were filled with people running about their daily businesses what a bad dream i just had, i took her into my arms and hugged her, it was then that i saw the imprint left on the hand i had stretched forth, the hand that took the blow from the scythe, In tiny letters, three words and numbers stared at me.
6 6 6
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