I always wondered why people contemplate suicide..When they say people have suicide tendencies I keep thinking that's one of the impossible truths in the Word. Not until I became a victim did I realize the truth that had been staring in my face all month long.
Suicidal thoughts are real.
Mine came in the form and face of the greatest evil ever created,A pretty young woman named Elsie..I stand at the edge of the bridge,gathering up the last ounce of courage I have so I could take the leap of faith to meet death,Slowly I let my mind draw back to that faithful day,under the Mango tree that I met my Angel.
Twas was like it is said in the movies,A feeling beyond what words could explain,There she was ,walking with the wind,Even in the midst of her three friends,she stood out,like a sore apple in a basket. I was tongue_tied,I thought do angels still come exist in human forms?She saw me staring and smiled,then made a yuck face at me. I lowered my gaze in embarrassment and fixed my eyes on an invisible spot on my shoes as she walked by. Then I heard a voice behind me,saying ,"Will ya rather stare at your shoes all day or say hi?I was surprised and lifted my head and there she was. My heart skipped a bit,my palms went sweaty,and I nearly piss myself,All I could muster was an inaudible stutter of hiiiiiiiiii. She smiled at me again and walked away while shaking her finger at me.
Trust me,I couldn't sleep that night,Never had I met a lady that could render me speeches.. I spent the whole night researching on things to do,what to say,how to go about it,where to start from..Series of stuffs floated on my mind as I drifted off to Sleep. The next day,I waited at d same spot,but she wasn't there,same for the next and so on,I was checking out d hangout on the 5th day ,and still no show.
I had already given up and was walking towards my car when I heard that sensual sultry voice from a distance,The voice of ma dreams,the sweet tormentor of my dreams whisper,Did u enjoy waiting and Searching?
Once again I was tongue tied..She knew I was looking for her,She knew so she stayed away,making me pine for her. Right there I decided that She was a prick tease and I told her so.
She just smiled and introduced herself. I asked her out to lunch and told her,I just needed her in my life..She gave me a Yimu and said what should she do with her Fiancée?..My heart broke into thousand fragments,yet she was laughing....I should have noticed the warning lights from how she was just turning my switch on and off..She gave me an elbow and said she was just kidding.
That was the beginning of the best 3 years of my life,We won the best couple award,Best Relationship,Best dressed couple,etc....After school I asked to meet her folks but she declined saying her dad was a retired major, who would shoot my balls off..We kid about it,I took her home,introduced her to my moms as my wife to be...My moms asked her to bring her folks so we could make things formal. And that's when things went down the drain..
Elsie became a changed person after that,She started avoiding me and I couldn't even fathom what I did wrong,Finally she told me we Needed to talk,I went to her house,To find my baby in tears,what moved her to such I couldn't even begin to think. Then she broke the news..She was pregnant,two months late..It was tears of joy and we both embraced each other once more and I left to break the news to mom,The next day we went to the hospital to start her checkups,I was strutting around like the alpha male. I felt more in love with Elsie for this gift she gave me, Finally we could probably go to meet her parents,Maybe its just koboko her dad will use and no Guns since I got his daughter preggies and I was ready to marry her.
So with so much joy in my heart,I called my friends and we all went to our spot to hangout ,taking on much booze to celebrate my Good news. Maybe if I had just stayed home that day,Maybe just maybe I wouldn't be standing at the edge of this bridge wishing to jump. That was when I met David, David was invited to come celebrate with me by my good friend Thomas.David,didn't know the occasion or me either,but the pull of women and wine brought him that fateful day.
In the midst of the celebration with so much pride,I showed him my Wife's picture and he just slumped..We rushed him to the nearest hospital and that was when I heard the story of my life.
My fiancee was his Elder sister,I found that hard to believe since Elsie said she was the only Child,
I wasn't braced for the real shocker and when it came,i couldn't handle it .
Elsie my Love was a replica of his sister also named Elsie.
She died in a ghastly motor accident 3 years on the Benin-ore road.
I did my calculation,it meshes with the time I met my Elsie.
I was astounded and called my mom who said Elsie just got back from the hospital,already made our food and was relaxing in her room,We all Rushed to my place and My moms was surprised,We opened the room and their was no sign of Elsie, I showed dave the pictures I had and he showed me the one he had in his wallet,it was a perfect match.
We checked the whole house and their was no sign of her...Oh my God,What have i been dating ? ,I burst into tears,while people tried consoling me,I had lived and loved a dead person for 3 years.
It was then I remembered she had my Baby in her Womb.